
We are proud to provide your child an outstanding Jewish education using the Montessori methodology. The Montessori program allows children to learn and thrive by performing skill-building activities of their choosing in a warm and joyful environment.
The self-esteem, confidence, and inner direction of children who receive an early childhood Montessori education serve students into their elementary school years. Our goal is to build a solid personal and academic foundation in your child propelling them into a bright future full of personal satisfaction, feelings of self-fulfillment and success in social encounters, and confidence in areas of challenge.
There is a great sense of community within the Montessori classroom, where children of differing ages work together in an atmosphere of cooperation rather than competitiveness. There is respect for the environment and for the individuals within it, which comes through experience of freedom within the community.
- Maria Montessori

Montessori Guides
Our staff are dedicated and loving individuals from a broad range of educational and professional backgrounds.
The main objective is to prepare and organize the learning environment to meet the needs and interests of each child, promote independence and guide them to experiment and learn new things daily.

Classroom Community
Our classrooms are made up of mixed ages giving children the opportunity to grow and learn from each other. Younger children get a chance to look ahead and see what’s coming next by watching the older children. Older children reinforce their knowledge by sharing it with their younger friends. Classrooms are divided up accordingly based on age from six weeks to five years old.

Jewish Approach
Throughout all parts of the day, children are taught to see everything through the lens of Hashem’s world, a world created by G-d, Who pays attention to each plant, bug and person in it. This deepens their sense of Judaism and gives them excitement for all of creation!
Montessori Curriculum
Children may choose activities from a broad range of areas. As your child builds success upon success with small tasks they’re able to go on to greater ones, mastering their small environment. These activities are further complemented during group circle time and activities.
Practical Life
Practical Life is the “practical living” area of a Montessori classroom. The materials are delicate and encourage gentleness to their environment.
Life skills such as concentration, coordination, order and independence are all the driving force behind this area of the classroom. Children pouring water from one vessel to another, sewing a button, polishing a kiddish cup, lacing a shofar all take place in this very pristine part of the classroom. These fundamental skills transfer into the other areas of the Montessori room and it is always delightful to see children engaged in this area.

Sensorial works are at the heart of the Montessori curriculum. They help a child isolate particular qualities in the materials such as size, sound, color, smell and shape. These works indirectly develop language skills, muscle coordination, a mathematical mind and control of movement. Once a child has mastered these concrete works, they can move on to abstract concepts at their own pace.

Children are introduced to the concrete sensorial impressions of numbers, the decimal system and its functions, addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division. Using manipulative materials, the child explores these concepts physically, creating a basis for more abstract operations.

Geography is the study of the Earth including its people, resources, climate and physical features. Teaching Geography aids children in developing a clear sense of spatial orientation. By giving sensorial impressions of the earth and showing children their relationship to it, Montessori lessons help develop a foundation of global awareness.

Exploring the subject of botany helps children develop an appreciation for and an understanding of the life cycle and the beauty of Hashem's creatures. Through specific botany works, the child develops a greater knowledge and understanding of the virtue of patience as the child is exposed to nature's seasonal changes and the growth cycle.
Math & Science
Montessori children typically do not remember learning to read English as the environment is designed so that all experiences feed naturally toward the development of skills required for reading. Reading, writing, spelling, and grammar are introduced to the child in an organized phonetic method allowing the child to acquire reading skills without realizing the effort.
Hebrew - Aleph Bet
Children as young as two begin learning the letters, then vowels and the blending of two or more sounds in the Hebrew language. Hebrew letters are taught with a deep sensitivity and love to the holiness of the language and is very much enjoyed by the many works that are available to the students based on their level of knowledge and fluency.

Torah & Holidays
The weekly Torah portions are taught in an experiential and exciting way so that children begin to appreciate our rich history. Throughout the year, children learn about the holidays that make up the Jewish calendar. Each holiday is enhanced with beautiful arts and crafts projects that are brought home to share with family. Each area of the classroom is permeated with the upcoming holiday. The prepared environment becomes another teaching experience with Judaic materials enriching your child’s whole experience.
For Jewish holidays, we host a variety of activities that bring additional elements of the holiday to life:

Shofar Factory
Learning how shofars are made in preparation for Rosh Hashanah.
Matzah Baking
Participating in matzah baking in preparation for Passover.
Olive Oil Demo
Making olive oil using real olive presses.
Chanukah Plays
Children create and direct their own plays, complete with costumes and props.
Music and movement time is a highlight before every Jewish holiday.
Grace & Courtesy
Montessori introduced exercises in Grace and Courtesy in reaction to a child’s need for order. Children have a need to know and to absorb the social structures in order to be more at ease in their environment. Grace and courtesy lessons give children the vocabulary, actions, and steps required for them to build their awareness and responsiveness of those around them. This in turn gives them a better sense of orientation in their social structure.

Mitzvah Tree
Every day, children are welcome to bring in notes that have written a good deed or a good behavior that they did. They are excited to share it with their friends and be wonderful examples to their peers.

Bucket Filler
Based on the heartwarming book, Have You Filled a Bucket Today, children are encouraged to work on positive behavior by using the concept of an invisible bucket to show them how easy and rewarding it is to express kindness, appreciation and love by "filling buckets." Each child has their very own bucket in the classroom that reminds and encourages them to make good choices throughout the day.