Judaic Studies

I am so honored to be an alumni of MMSC. I would never feel so prepared and comfortable in high school without MMSC’s constant care and their nurturing environment. MMSC truly changed my life for the better and I will always be so grateful for the teachers and students who greeted me with a smile each and every day. Whether it’s continuing Chassidus classes weekly with Mrs. Elishevitz, even after graduating, or coming to dismissal to tag along for a carpool to say hi to everyone, I always felt welcome and will always feel a part of the MMSC community. No matter where I am in life I can’t wait to continue to grow and learn knowing that I wouldn’t be where I am today without the classes and overall impact MMSC has made in my life.
- Hanna Klinghoffer, MMSC Alumni

Torah Study
Students are engaged with in-depth study of the Torah where they learn textual and life skills to become independent learners and have a love and appreciation for Torah.
As students progress each grade level, they are exposed to greater depth through commentaries from Rashi. We have adopted the Lehavin Ul’haskil Chumash program with a focus on key skills that each grade masters.

Oral Torah Study
The Talmud, originating from the 2nd century CE, is the comprehensive written version of the Jewish oral law and the subsequent commentaries on it. It is made up of the Mishnah and the Gemara. The Mishnah is the original written version of the oral law and the Gemara is the record of the rabbinic discussions, analyses, commentaries, and differing views on the Mishnah.
The study of Mishnah and Gemara gives students higher order thinking skills as they are taught to understand and remember the complex flow of the Mishnah/Gemara discussion. Students build Gemara vocabulary, concepts and skills, and gain an understanding of how the laws came to be and how to understand them and apply them to their lives.

Book of Prophets
Students learn meaningful stories from the books of our Prophets. These books share the history of the Jewish people and present the struggles and triumphs our nation has endured. Their lessons are as relevant today as ever.
Students participate by creating newspapers, cartoon strips, timelines, and creative scrapbooks to explore personal lessons, and to depict the middot (positive characteristics) they can bring into their lives.

Weekly Torah Portion
Students learn the stories, characters and facts pertaining to the weekly Torah portion with a creative and hands on approach.
All grades learn a D’var Torah (Torah thought on the weekly Torah portion) with an emphasis on a lesson that they can bring in to their daily lives to share at their Shabbat table.
Tanach Studies
Make the Connection
Tefilla - Prayer
During prayer time, students are connecting and building their relationship with G-d. Students learn how to pray, the history of tefillah and an in-depth study of integral Tefillos including the morning blessings, the Shema, Amidah and others. Everyday students take time to discuss and explore how tefillah has a personal relevance to their lives.

Ivrit - Hebrew Language
Our Hebrew curriculum is built using the Proficiency Approach of speaking, reading and writing in Hebrew. The "Proficiency Approach" places the learner at the center with the goal of enhancing the personal ability of every learner to gain proficiency in the Hebrew language. We have adopted, the all inclusive, Safah Neimah and Dikduk Beli Damah curriculum for Hebrew speaking and writing.
For Hebrew reading we use the Alephbeit.org program where students are assessed for accuracy and fluency. As part of our Hebrew curriculum, students focus on learning about Israel, its contributions to the world and virtually tour the Holy Land.

Philosophy & Culture

Jewish History
Jewish history is taught using technology, art, and writing, in a way that enables students to draw out morals and lessons to enrich them personally. Students develop skills in listening, note-taking, researching, creating maps, timelines, and participating in group presentations and games. Students learn about important periods in Jewish history including The Middle Ages and the Era of the Rishonim including Jews in Italy and North Africa, Spanish Jewry through the Expulsion, The Jews in France/Germany (Ashkenaz) through the Crusades, major Jewish scholars, and the books they authored. Our students learn in-depth about the Holocaust and how Chassidism began with the Baal Shem Tov.

Philosophy & Mysticism
The Chabad philosophy of "wisdom, understanding, and knowledge" is the underlying approach that permeates the philosophy of MMSC. Teachers share the material with the intention that students should be able to understand and apply their learning in their personal lives. The Chabad philosophy teaches that we are each a part of G-d and are needed in the world to bring light and kindness. Students are taught to see the great potential in themselves and in others and to find good and opportunity in the world around them.

Traditions & Law
Yahadus and Halacha are subjects that teach practical Jewish law in our daily lives and laws pertaining to the holidays. Using the 613 Mitzvos (commandments) as a framework we spend time focused on different Jewish ideas and concepts to help our students gain all necessary tools and ideas to feel pride as educated Jews.
For a more detailed look at our Judaic studies curriculum for each grade level click on the button below.