General Studies

MMSC Day School curriculum builds on the foundations many of our students gained in our Jewish Montessori preschool. We are dedicated to and have a reputation for academic excellence, presenting a challenging curriculum at all levels, integrating both a general studies with a Judaic curriculum. A commitment to distinction, a passionate faculty, motivated students, and involved parents make MMSC an environment that fosters excellence.
MMSC didn’t only give me the tools that I need to succeed academically, but also gave me many valuable life ones. I learned the correct way to look at and live my life. The atmosphere in this school is one that you will never experience anywhere else. Every teacher and student become such a significant part of your life. MMSC will always be my second home and I would never have wanted to spend my first 11 years of education anywhere else.
- Leeba Farkash, MMSC Alumni

We use Go Math! to guide learning in mathematics that aligns with Common Core WA state standards. This program teaches strategies and solutions with real world scenarios.
We strive to develop students who master their basic math facts and are problem solvers. We use hands on manipulatives and online programs to assist students in mastery.

Driven by the Next Generation Science Standards, our curriculum focuses on spiraled learning that deepens each year with hands-on, fun science activities and experiments as we study life, earth and physical sciences.
Our STEM program (science, technology, engineering, and math) gives our students the opportunity to learn about engineering and technology.
Social Studies
We place an emphasis on geography, mapping skills and social studies. We begin with the “self” and move outward in concentric circles through family, school, neighborhood, city, state, country and the world. Our curriculum is based on OSPI standards for Social Studies and our teachers intentionally guide students to think about humans’ relationships with their environments and with each other. We host a geography and career fair annually to share students creativity and learning.

Our literacy philosophy is based on a literacy model, which is a multilevel, balanced literacy framework that incorporates four different approaches each day to teach children how to become better readers, writers, and spellers. Our literacy curriculum uses programs like IXL, Reading A-Z, Raz Kids and Mosdos Press to support the following subject areas:
Writing Mechanics
Reading Accuracy, Fluency & Comprehension
Text based studies which include authors purpose, summarizing and analyzing text
Different Forms of Writing (opinionated, informative and creative)
Spelling, grammar and vocabulary

Social Emotional
We adopted the Nurtured Heart Approach which has three important components:
Focus on things that are going right
Not giving attention to negativity
Having clear expectations
This approach helps students make better choices and see the greatness within them. Teachers are focused on noticing good behavior and effort in the work and behavior that students do. We have support from an on-site behavior specialist for students that need specialized behavior plans and to provide short lessons to all classes to teach social emotional awareness and Growth Mindset.

We offer a variety of clubs in different areas where students can choose and explore art, cooking, Website design, software coding, sewing, science, music and more.
Clubs give our students the opportunity to learn new skills, explore areas of interest and various career paths.
For a more detailed look at our general studies curriculum for each grade level click on the button below.