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The following represents our most frequently asked questions. Select a category to view corresponding questions. If you can't find what you're looking for, please feel free to contact us.

  • How old does my child need to be to start school?
    Tiny Tots: 6 weeks by August 31st Young Toddlers: 1 year and walking independently by August 31st Older Toddlers: 2 years by August 31st Preschool: 3 years and toilet trained by August 31st Pre-K: 4 years by August 31st Kindergarten: 5 years by August 31st
  • Does my child need to be Jewish to attend?
    Yes. We follow Halachic matrilineal descent. The mother must be born Jewish, or have undergone an Orthodox conversion, or currently in the conversion process being sponsored by a Seattle Va’ad-approved rabbi.
  • Do I have to be religious to enroll my child?
    No. We are an educational organization dedicated to providing each Jew, regardless of background, affiliation, or personal level of observance, the opportunity to deepen their level of Jewish knowledge and involvement. We are inclusive and non-judgmental, and our school is open to all Jews.
  • What time does school start?
    School starts at 8:30 am and ends at 3:45 pm for all grades. We have a "Long Friday" (3:45 pm dismissal) and a "Short Friday" (1:45 pm dismissal) schedule depending on the time of year and when Shabbat begins.
  • Do you offer extended care hours?
    Yes, we offer Morning Care from 7:30 am - 8:30 am and Afternoon Care from 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm. Extended care runs on the half hour, and you can sign up for the times that work well for your family.
  • What’s your food policy?
    Students must bring a lunch, two snacks, and a water bottle to school every day. We request your cooperation in providing your child lunches and snacks which conform to the laws of Kashrut and bear a Kosher symbol. MMSC is a Dairy and Pareve facility. Please do not send any meat items.
  • Are you a nut-free school?
    Yes. We maintain a peanut and tree nut free zone. This policy includes all nuts, peanuts or sesame seeds (as a seed form). When preparing your child’s lunches and snacks, please carefully avoid all nuts, products with nuts as an ingredient, and products that may contain nut products.
  • Are students required to wear uniforms?
    Seattle Jewish Montessori does not have a uniform policy. MMSC Day School believes that respectful dress in line with Jewish values invites a more serious school atmosphere which emphasizes academics and promotes good behavior. Dress codes have proven to increase student achievement by encouraging students to concentrate more on their studies and less on their wardrobe, and makes it easier for students to get ready for school every day. Dress code for MMSC Day School: Girls, Grades 1-8 Shirts: White or light blue long sleeve blouses or long sleeve polo shirts Non-fitted No knit tops or pullovers No designs, letters or logos Skirts/Jumpers: Navy blue or black skirts below the knee when sitting No slits. Leg Wear: Knee-high socks or tights Footwear: No open-backed shoes, slippers, or clogs Sweaters: Solid navy blue or black sweaters only Boys, Grades 1-8​ Kippah/Tzitzis: Each boy should wear a Yarmulke and Tzitzis​ Baseball caps are permitted for sports use only Shirts: White or light blue polo or button-down shirts​ No designs, letters or logos Pants: Solid blue or black pants No skinny/tight-fitted pants Footwear: Conservative color dress or athletic shoes Sweaters: Solid navy blue or black sweaters only
  • What’s your Covid-19 policy?
    Health and safety are of paramount importance at MMSC. With a team of trusted professionals, the administration team constantly evaluates the protocols in place. Our current Covid policy may be viewed here.

MMSC Day School &

Seattle Jewish Montessori

620 20th Ave South 

Seattle WA, 98144



Preschool-Grade 8, Jewish, private, independent school located in Seattle, Washington

© MMSC Day School & Seattle Jewish Montessori  |  Design by foggy details


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